Motor neuron disease / Anterior horn cell disease (Basic)

In fornt of patient, use the terminology, anterior horn cell disease

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS) = UMNL+LMNL    ( most common presentation)
  • UMNL= upper motor meuron lesion, LMNL = lower motor neuron lesion
  • Primary Lateral Scerosis = UMNL
  • Progressive Muscular Atrophy= LMNL
  • Bulbar palsy
ALS= UMNL+LMNL @same limb
(but, Predominant LMNL= Upperlimb+ predominant UMNL=Lower Limb) 

  • UMNL=Tone+ ↑ refelex + Extensor plantar
D/D :
1.        Cervical myelopathy(CM)
2.        Syringomyelia (SM)
3.        Multiple Sclerosis(MS)

1.       Nerve conduction study+ EMG
2.       MRI Brain And Cervical cord

Nerve conduction study= Normal in MND,(D/D =  Multifocal Motor Neuropathy/ MMN, it is delayed/reduced)
MRI Brain and spinal cord = to exclude demyelination + cervical myelopathy ( D/D = CM, SM, MS)
(If, demyelination, then it is MS, so go for CSF study)

1.       Riluzole = Anti Glutamate , prolong life expectancy 3 months
2.       NIV (BIPAP) = prolong life expectancy 7 months

Poor, 50% die within 3 years


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