Rapid review points of HSMN-1/ Charcot Marrie Tooth disease (CMTD)

Image is collected from Slideshare.net

  •  2= Bilateral+Symmetrical
  • D= Dominant +Distal + Demyelination (±nerve palpable±Sensory)
  • (in contrast, Myotonia Dystrophica, MD= M+D, M= Myotonica, D=  Dominant +Distal + Distrophy)
  • Dominant= Autosomal dominant+PMP22 gene(chromosome 17) mutation + ( less common MPZ gene, chromosome 1)
  • Distal= Distal wasting+Distal weakness
  • Distal wasting= Lower limb= peroneal muscular atrophy=inverted champagne bottle, Upper limb=Wasting of small mucles of  hand+Claw hand ( D/D = ulnar nerve palsy)
  • Distal weakness= Lower limb= Pes Cavus+Foot drop(Foot drop=high steppage gait); upper limb=
  • Demyelination: Type 1& 3 = Demyelination Nerve Conduction Study = Delayed (reduced Nerve Conduction Velocity), Type 2 = Axonal DEgeneration , Nerve Conduction Velocity = relatively normal
  • Nerve palpable : Upper limb= ulnar nerve, lower limb= lateral popliteal nerve
  • Sensory : Sensory loss may present, but pain+temperature usually normal (as they are carried by unmyelinated fibres, so no effect of demyelination here)

  • Investigation: NCS+Nerve biosy ( onion bulb appearance= schwann cell proliferation, due to repeatation of demyelination followed by remyelination process)
  • Management= 2= 2E+2A+2O
  • Multidisciplinary approach= Nerologist+Physiotherapist+occupational therapist+Orthopedic surgeon
  •  Education+Exercise+ Aid (walking) + Analgesic+ Ankle support + Occupational therapy+ Orthopaedic surgery

Causes of Pes Cavus : Click here

HNPP= Herediatry neuropathy of pressure palsy

  • Same gene mutation like HSMN, PMP 22 ,chromosome 17
  • involvement of ulnar nerve , common peroneal nerve : pressure sympotoms prolong

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