Rapid review of 'ADVANCED(1)' Pearls on Parkinsonism for MRCP

Parkinson's disease

  • Idiopathic parkinsonism= Parkinson's disease (PD)= Asymmetry+ No PPS (parkinson Plus Syndromez0
  • PD treatment= medication control symptoms for 4-6 years , then the disease progress
  • PD Rx= Surgery= DBS, Pallidotomy; when optimum medical management failed
  • Pallidotomy, Thalmotomoy, Subthalmotomy---- unilater+contralateral symptom relieve, not suitable for bilateral
  • DBS--- Bilateral
  • Transplantation---- ethical issue important
  • PD early features= REM sleep behaviour disorder
  • Normal movement during REM sleep
  • Autonomic PD ( think of  PPS)
  • PD inv: 1. MRI : to exclude other diseases   2. SPECT: loss of nigrostriatal binding, but can't differentiate PD and Parkinson Plus Syndrome (PPS)    3.18 F dopa PET : PD vs MSA 
  • Dopamine receptor agonist:

    • Used in PD, newer drug=Ropinirole, pRamipexole
    • Ergot derived DRA=Bromocriptine,Cabergoline,Lisuride and Pergolide=Fibrosis, So Echo+ESR+CXR+Creatinine must before DRA Rx, 
    • Pergolide banned due to TS
    • Transdermal patch = Rotigotine
    • dose frequency than levodopa, as longer half lifeA/E than levodopa, like-dyskinesia,fLuctuation 

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