Rapid Review of 'Advanced(4)' Pearls on Parkinsonism for MRCP

Cortico-Basal Degeneration:

Postural Hypotension in PD:

  •  Due to disease process, and treatment effects.
  • If  drug reduction not possible, then 1. Compressive stockings   2. Fludrocortisone  3. Midodrine/ Ephedrine
Psychosis management:


DRA ↓, after that STOP
LEVODOPA minimum
add atypical neuroleptics : Clozapine ( also olanzapine quietapine, RISPERIDONE )

Causes of Benign Essential Tremor: 
  • Resting Tremor = Parkinson's disease
  • Intention tremor= Cerebellar syndrome
  • Postural tremor= Alcohol, Anxiety, Thyrotoxicosis, Metabolic ( CO2, Hepatic Encephalopathy)

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